Wednesday, August 26, 2015

So Life After a Year of Work

It happened.  I am back on the blog AND

I am finally an official "Full Time Mom" again!!!

I can say that I will not look to the working world with envy and jealousy anytime soon.  I am playing catch-up from a year of chaos and extreme living.  My typical day began a 5:30 am, at work by 6:45, leave work between 4ish to 5ish, run errands, cook supper, briefly check up on kid's homework, spend a little bit of family/hubby time, crash on the couch and grade papers/lesson plans/prepare and then repeat.  AND I HAVE TOTAL RESPECT AND MUCH LOVE for all my teacher friends--I just am not that woman any more.

It just took me a year to realize that God has given me the blessed opportunity to be home with the family.  What can I say--I really am where I'm supposed to be and that is just where I want to be.

(Sidenote--Yall know I don't have any judgement going on for my working friends! This is my personal choice)

Oh yes--I also need to throw out some serious love on my sweet husband.  He has been so supportive--both ways if I wanted to work outside the house or work at home.  He truly just lets me decide.  LOVE THAT!

These past few weeks since the kids have gone back to work have been extremely busy.  I've been working to get the Youth Room at church fixed up--it turned out great.  Taylor, Sara, and Leighanne helped paint 5 big chalk boards around the room for announcements, birthdays, prayer requests, good news and snack stuff.  Taylor and I also painted a mural on the wall.  We kicked off our new theme--Legacy--Live It Out!

Last week I spent the ENTIRE--ok most of the week--mending clothes.  Sounds glamorous doesn't it? I mean who doesn't want to spend their week mending clothes right?  I  hemmed pants for the girls and Taylor, put buttons back on shorts and pants, took up a couple of skirts for Hannah that were too big, sewed lace on a couple of shorts for the girls, re-purposed a long sleeve shirt into a little coverup and dyed a shirt black again.  

AND--I loved it!

So entry back into full time mom hood complete.

Here we go!



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