Monday, October 29, 2018

Do you feel it? The Excitement of Fall

Do you feel it?  Cooler weather, a crispness to the morning, leaves falling, pumpkin decorations, pumpkin pie flavored coffee, pumpkin bread, Fall has come!

And I love it!  I love this season when I can raise the windows, air out the house, decorate the front porch (I'd be lying if I said the house😁), and have a fire in the fire pit.

This is one of my favorite times of the year.  The building up to THE holiday season.  

This is the little lull before full on Craziness!

And really--Hallmark Channel--you have made my season--Christmas movies are now on!  (All of my sons and my husband are groaning outloud!)  But I'm an equal opportunity kind of girl--I watch spy/thriller/shoot em' up movies and college football right there with my men.  They really can't complain too loudly.

Do you want to know what also happens this time of the year?

BUSYNESS!  Parties, celebrations, church functions, family get-togethers, and for us--November is a birthday month for 4 of us in the Agee family.

Already this season, I have found myself putting accomplishing "things" before digging deep into some Bible study.  I'm not saying you have to legalistically study deeply everyday, but you know when you are starting to miss out on the deep fellowship with Jesus.  You realize that you've only been giving the Lord a few moments to your day, and its been a while since you really sat and meditated on what you are learning from the Word.

So let me encourage you and myself to not let the busyness of the upcoming season creep in without you knowing it.  Let me encourage you now to make a plan of what you are going to do to not let this happen.

I decided to start this study by Lysa TerKeurst called, "Finding I AM".  

I also bought this book, Unwrapping the Names of Jesus" by Asheritah Ciuciu for the advent season.  I would say it's geared towards older kids and teens.  But each week it gives suggestions on ways to reach out to others and share some Christmas Love.  I do know this, if you don't plan ahead these things won't happen.

Just a few ideas to keep your focus on the true meaning of the upcoming season.

Just keeping it real!


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