of what our future will soon be like.
Austin in his JROTC Uniform |
Over spring break, Austin, our Junior in high school, went to Paris Island, SC for mini-boot camp. He loved it. Okay--I don't think he really loved getting up at 4:45AM, but the rest of it was good. He came home telling us stories about their activities, and the discipline that they were taught. Some stories were comical, and others involved drill sergeants yelling(need I say more?).
That week I was struck by the thought that these short, few days away from home are soon going to become our reality. In the very near future--after graduation next year--Austin will join the military. He has chosen this path all by himself and with God's guidance. I'll have to admit I was a bit surprised, he had never expressed a desire to go down this path. But--this past fall semester--he came home from school one day and said, "I need yall to sign this paper because I'm dropping a class and joining JROTC." A sign of a young man making decisions about his future.
It has taken me a while to be okay with this decision. I can not lie about it. It is difficult for me to imagine my son fighting in a war somewhere so far away.
BUT then I had to remember the prayers that I have prayed for all of my children. That God would direct their lives, that they would serve HIM faithfully no matter where life took them. I had to realize again, that they are not mine, my children belong to God. I had to remember the day that I prayed that God would use my children in mighty ways, even if it meant I would never see them on this side of Heaven again. (okay little tears forming in my eyes--you may go away now!)
It was such a small glimpse, but it brought great perspective. We only have a few short months left to make memories as the family that we are now. Then Hannah will join our family, and we will become a new family with new memories. Then Austin will graduate and begin his adult life, and we will make more adjustments. All this change--in such a short time.
So today--I want to appreciate today for what it brings.
And Austin--I'm PROUD of you son. I respect your decisions for your future. I know that God will continue to use you in mighty ways and that you will serve Him well.